Modeling and Shifting Focus as a Facilitator for Intentional Emergence in Transformation Design
Year: 2009
Editor: Norell Bergendahl, M.; Grimheden, M.; Leifer, L.; Skogstad, P.; Lindemann, U.
Author: Haase, Louise Møller; Hansen, Poul Kyvsgaard; Mabogunje, Ade
Series: ICED
Section: Human Behavior in Design
Page(s): 27-34
In this paper we discuss the phenomenon "intentional emergence" in a transformation design context. We examine modelling and play enablers for intentional emergence and report on experiences with the Lego Serious Play method. The empirical observations are based on a real-time transformation design project called The Good Elderly Life, in which we focus on especially initial project scoping and problem investigations. Based on an analysis of video-material and interviews, we have found indications which suggest that intentional emergence - in relation to project scoping and problem investigation - can be facilitated by a constant shift between a project mindset and a modeling mindset. This is, a constant shift between focusing on the overall scoping of the project and focusing on fitting together the details of making different models which represent various insights on the project.
Keywords: transformation design, intentional emergence, collective modeling, serious play