Analysis of dynamic system behaviour using sequence modelling with the C&C²-Approach – a case study on a power tool hammer mechanism
DS 91: Proceedings of NordDesign 2018, Linköping, Sweden, 14th - 17th August 2018
Year: 2018
Editor: Ekströmer, Philip; Schütte, Simon and Ölvander, Johan
Author: Matthiesen, Sven; Wettstein, Andreas; Grauberger, Patric
Series: NordDESIGN
Institution: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Page(s): NDES2018_paper_101.pdf
ISBN: 978-91-7685-185-2
In product development, the building of simulation models for analysis is a general approach. Nowadays, products are mostly developed in generations, which means these models can be re-used in subsequent product development projects. This intensifies the use of complex models. An issue for using these complex models successfully is that the causes for dynamic system behaviour are sometimes unknown, which makes parametrisation of the model difficult. The relevance of parameters for this system behaviour are difficult to investigate and often have to be assumed. In this case the achievable knowledge with the created simulation model is limited, which can hinder successful product development. This paper shows how a structured system analysis can support the parameterisation of complex, dynamic multi-domain models. In the described case, the hammer mechanism of an impact wrench is investigated using this approach. The dynamic system behaviour during fastening of a screw is analysed and modelled using the C&C²-Approach. This approach can be seen as a thinking tool that helps in investigation of relations of parameters of the systems embodiment to the systems behaviour. With this approach, models of these relations are built upas basis for the simulation model. In this analysis and model building of the impact wrench, the systems behaviour is differentiated into states that are defined through qualitative changes in the systems embodiment. Then a simulation model is derived to quantify these relations. This model is parametrised following the defined states. During verification of the built up simulation model of the impact wrench, an unexpected system behaviour is discovered and investigated. The investigation leads to findings of new states, as the systems embodiment behaves different from what was expected in one state. This behaviour was not identified before as this part of the system is difficult to observe. The C&C²-Model was extended through integration of the new states. As the simulation model was derived from the C&C²-Model, its improvement was possible in a lean way. The improved simulation model shows the new states and extends the understanding of the system behaviour of the impact wrench
Keywords: Modelling, validation, product development, power tools, case study