Current challenges of Agile Hardware Development: What are still the pain points nowadays?
Year: 2019
Editor: Wartzack, Sandro; Schleich, Benjamin; Gon
Author: Atzberger, Alexander; Paetzold, Kristin
Series: ICED
Institution: Bundeswehr University Munich
Section: Innovation engineering
DOI number:
ISSN: 2220-4342
Originally developed for the software industry, agile development is being applied in the hardware field nowadays as well due to its benefits when having to deal with volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) conditions. However, certain complications arise when applying the concept of agility in the hardware. In this publication, based on the challenges identified by Ovesen in 2012, the current challenges of agile development for hardware are gathered using an embedded design approach, ensuring its actuality based on the latest surveys and empirical data. The current state regarding the challenges is displayed and its interrelations as well as their advancements compared to seven years ago is discussed. Moreover, an attempt to explain the difficulties of applying agile development is given by a hardware-related complexity model.
Keywords: Agile hardware development, Research methodologies and methods, Design methodology, New product development