On the Treatment of Equality Constraints in Mechanical Systems Design Subject to Uncertainty
DS 101: Proceedings of NordDesign 2020, Lyngby, Denmark, 12th - 14th August 2020
Year: 2020
Editor: Mortensen, N.H.; Hansen, C.T. and Deininger, M.
Author: Stumpf, Julian; Naumann, Thomas; Vogt, Marc Eric; Duddeck, Fabian; Zimmermann, Markus
Series: NordDESIGN
Institution: Technical University of Munich, Mercedes-Benz AG, BMW Group
Section: Robust Designs and Processes
Page(s): 12
DOI number: https://doi.org/10.35199/NORDDESIGN2020.24
ISBN: 9781912254088
In early phases of product development, uncertainty may be treated by a set-based design method relying on so-called solution spaces. In this approach, all relevant system requirements are used to produce interval-type component requirements that are sufficient for reaching the overall design goal while allowing for design flexibility. Unfortunately, only inequality-type requirements on the system level can be treated. This paper proposes several extensions to incorporate equality-based requirements into the framework and applies one projection technique to the design of a automotive tailgate.
Keywords: computational design methods, solution space, uncertainty, robust design, early design phase