Making customer integration in company processes persistent: Comparison of literature and industrial perspective
DS 101: Proceedings of NordDesign 2020, Lyngby, Denmark, 12th - 14th August 2020
Year: 2020
Editor: Mortensen, N.H.; Hansen, C.T. and Deininger, M.
Author: Vogel, Simone; Kreimeyer, Matthias; Richter, Ronny; Spinler, Stefan
Series: NordDESIGN
Institution: Otto Beisheim School of Management, MAN Truck & Bus SE M
Section: Requirements Management
Page(s): 12
DOI number:
ISBN: 9781912254088
Companies lack efficient mechanisms for the systematic and continuous integration of customers in order to generate benefits and to avoid further complicating their internal processes. A gap was recognized that there is a lack of knowledge management competence to anchor customer know-how in business processes on a persistent basis. These initial findings clearly indicate the need for a comprehensive procedural model for continuous customer integration across all stages of the development process and enabling a persistent knowledge representation.
Keywords: customer integration methods, knowledge management, product development