From Engineering to Product Design. Solutions as Signs of the Times and the Corresponding Institutional Progress during 75 years of WiGeP
DS 125: Proceedings of the 34th Symposium Design for X (DFX2023)
Year: 2023
Editor: Dieter Krause, Kristin Paetzold-Byhain, Sandro Wartzack
Author: Gunther Luxbacher (1), Dieter Krause (2)
Series: DfX
Institution: 1: Priv. Doz. Dr. phil. habil. Freier Historiker; 2: Hamburg University of Technology, Institute of Product Development and Mechanical Engineering Design
Page(s): 007-014
DOI number: 10.35199/dfx2023.01
The state of research in the history of science and technology on the science of product research in Germany deals exclusively with methodological items. This essay stresses the contrary side of the product development process for the first time. On the one hand it asks for the requirements for new products and the specific ways these were integrated into product design as a kind of time specific thing knowledge. On the other hand it analyzes, how these procedures were corresponding with institutional innovations apparent in the genesis of WiGeP.