Feasibility study on time saving potentials of automated workflows in the early design stage of bus body structures
DS 125: Proceedings of the 34th Symposium Design for X (DFX2023)
Year: 2023
Editor: Dieter Krause, Kristin Paetzold-Byhain, Sandro Wartzack
Author: Lukas Komm (1), Steve Sattler (2), Alexander Seidler (1), Kristin Paetzold-Byhain (1)
Series: DfX
Institution: 1: Institute of Machine Elements and Machine Design, TU Dresden; 2: MAN Truck & Bus SE
Page(s): 065-074
DOI number: 10.35199/dfx2023.07
The huge variety in the commercial vehicle segment leads to an enormous amount of work during the development process as structural components or assemblies like bus body structures have to meet the requirements of different vehicle variants. In this case automated workflows provide an option to connect individual process steps and to accelerate development times. A segmented bus body structure is used to allow an easy representation of variants for structural simulations and to simplify the overall problem for a topology optimization. A feasibility study is conducted to investigate the time saving potentials of an automated workflow considering the total process time as well as required man-hours. Additionally, the break-even point of this method is determined.
Keywords: Product Design, Automated Workflow, Bus Body Structure, Topology Optimization, Variety Management