
Query returned 980 results.

How explicit are we in a design meeting: Investigation on meeting knowledge structuring with design rationale

Dai, Xinghang; Velde, Frank // 2017
Knowledge management can improve a company's competitiveness by managing organisational knowledge as a company's capital. However, the knowledge produced in a meeting is hard to be captured due to ...

Identifying product development crises: The potential of adaptive heuristics

Muenzberg, Christopher; Stingl, Verena; Geraldi, Joana; Oehmen, Josef // 2017
This paper introduces adaptive heuristics as a tool to identify crises in design projects and highlights potential applications of these heuristics as decision support tool for crisis identification. ...

Improving engineering information retrieval by combining TD-IDF and product structure classification

Jones, David; Matthews, Jason; Xie, Yifan; Gopsill, James; Dotter, Martin; Chanchevrier, Nicolas; Hicks, Ben // 2017
Engineering Information Management (EIM) and Information Retrieval (IR) systems are central to the day to day running of large engineering organisations. The capture, interrogation, retrieval and ...


Benjamin, Stacy; Anderson, John // 2017
We present how conducting expert design reviews in an undergraduate, capstone design project course can address learning goals related to design, communication, and professionalism. In this course, ...

Knowledge-based engineering applications for supporting the design of precast concrete facade panels

Montali, Jacopo; Overend, Mauro; Pelken, P. Michael; Sauchelli, Michele // 2017
Precast concrete facade panels, despite guaranteeing higher environmental performances, quality and quicker installation, are still designed starting from a conceptual, relatively constraint-free ...

Learning by migrating: A computational study of diversity and team-level decision-making

Thomas, Russell; Gero, John // 2017
How does previous experience and learning influence a team’s ability to successfully agree on a system architecture, team roles and responsibilities, and design method? Migration of team members ...

Makerbox: Introducing a low threshold maker experience for everyone – An online facilitation platform for problem based projects

Slåttsveen, Kristoffer; Nygaard, Truls; Seviour, Georgina; Steinert, Martin; Aasland, Knut Einar // 2017
This paper presents an online facilitation platform for project based education workshops, where the task formulations and solution methodology is based on engineering design methods. As design ...

Maturity of models in a multi-model decision support system

Johansson, Christian; Wall, Johan; Panarotto, Massimo // 2017
To reduce uncertainty in decisions, engineers experiment with models, such as, exploring what-if scenarios, and thus increase knowledge. Still, because modelling is an idealisation of reality, there ...

Mindfulness and resource-sensitive design: A literature overview and an agenda for research

Chan, Wing Mui Helen; de Bont, Cees // 2017
Mindfulness has aroused great interests in the past few decades and researches on mindfulness conducted have suggested that it is related to increase in awareness, creativity, quality ...

Mining data to design value: A demonstrator in early design

Bertoni, Alessandro; Larsson, Tobias ; Larsson, Jonas ; Elfsberg, Jenny // 2017
bility of data mining algorithms as decision support in early design stages of a complex product development project. The paper describes a scenario built in two-stages providing the rationale for ...

Modeling decisions in complex projects

Siyam, Ghadir; Robinson, Robert Wilson; Kilpinen, Malia // 2017
The upstream business of oil and gas industry is decision intense. The selection of a resource sensitive and economically designed concept is critical to the project success and requires making good ...

Modeling product co-consideration relations: A comparative study of two network models

Sha, Zhenghui; Wang, Mingxian; Huang, Yun; Contractor, Noshir; Fu, Yan; Chen, Wei // 2017
Customers often compare and evaluate alternative products before making purchase decisions. Understanding customer preference is an important step for choice modeling in engineering design. This ...

Modeling the relationship between aviation original equipment manufacturers and maintenance, repair and overhaul enterprises from a product-service system perspective

Goncalves, Cassio; Kokkolaras, Michael // 2017
In this paper, we provide the main arguments for developing a collaborative product-service system business model between aviation original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and maintenance, repair and ...

Navigating the common approaches to product development

Vance, Julia K.; Giambalvo, Jack; Hoffenson, Steven // 2017
Many design approaches are used and taught in industry and academia, and it is difficult even for seasoned design professionals to know which to use. These design approaches were developed in ...

Nonlinear quality function deployment: An experimental analysis

Bertoni, Marco; Bertoni, Alessandro // 2017
Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a common model to frontload engineering design activities with, linking the characteristics of a product vs. the voice of the customer using linear relationships. ...

On the interplay between platform concept development and production maintenance

Bokrantz, Jon; Landahl, Jonas; Levandowski, Christoffer; Skoogh, Anders; Johannesson, Hans; Isaksson, Ola // 2017
To meet a broad customer-base, platforms can be used to achieve commonality and distinctiveness among a family of products. However, producibility of product variants are typically not ensured until ...

Overdesign in building services: the hidden energy use

Jones, Darren; Eckert, Claudia // 2017
This paper categorises and describes the various types of margins that are applied during building services design, and highlights the various stakeholders involved, from the early specification of ...

Predicting and visualizing cost propagation due to engineering design changes

Georgiades, Alex; Sharma, Sanjiv; Kipouros, Timoleon; Savill, Mark // 2017
During product development changes in the initial design are ubiquitous. The ability to predict such changes, along with the expected costs, is a challenge on its own. This challenge increases ...

Predicting indirect process costs of engineering change based on a task characteristic perspective

Gebhardt, Marcel // 2017
Today companies are capable to make precise predictions of engineering change costs incurred in producing departments. But implementing engineering changes is a work-sharing task. Besides production ...

Process model for change management in the system of chassis-mounted parts of commercial vehicles

Stocker, Johannes Michael; Thoma, Christoph; Schmidt, Michael; Kreimeyer, Matthias; Lienkamp, Markus // 2017
Due to the high amount of interrelations, such as spatial dependencies, material exchange, energy transfer and information flow, the chassis-mounted parts, located between the axles of a commercial ...

Product sustainability assessment in conceptualisation phase

Martinez, Victor Gerardo // 2017
Along the design process many decisions and compromises are made in order to reach a final design solution. In literature is commonly accepted that tackling sustainability issues at early stages ...

Proposal for a new usability index for product design teams and the general public

Brandy, Anthony; Mantelet, Fabrice; Aoussat, Améziane; Pigot, Pierre-Vincent // 2017
Usability is a key notion in most of products, especially for the medical devices. Nevertheless, sometimes this notion can be shelved in favour of other priorities such as reliability of the product. ...


Řvrebekk, Nikolai; Skjerven, Astrid // 2017
Today’s talk of sustainability is difficult to understand for the general public, designers and decision makers in industry and the public sector. CO2 equivalence is one of the most important ways to ...

Show me the pictures: The effect of representational modalities on abductive reasoning in decision making

Arntz, Sarah; Verbaan, Ruben; Eisenbart, Boris; Cardoso, Carlos // 2017
This paper describes a study designed to investigate the effect of concept representation types on the use of abductive reasoning by decision makers when selecting early stage innovation concepts for ...

Boolean Searches

The following examples demonstrate some search strings that use boolean operators:

  • design community
    Find rows that contain at least one of the two words.
  • +design +community
    Find rows that contain both words.
  • +design community
    Find rows that contain the word “design”, but rank rows higher if they also contain “community”.
  • +design -community
    Find rows that contain the word “design” but not “community”.
  • +design ~community
    Find rows that contain the word “design”, but if the row also contains the word “community”, rate it lower than if row does not.
  • +design +(>community <decisions)
    Find rows that contain the words “design” and “community”, or “design” and “decisions” (in any order), but rank “design community” higher than “design decisions”
  • design*
    Find rows that contain words such as “design”, “designs”, “designing”, or “designer”.
  • "some words"
    Find rows that contain the exact phrase “some words” (for example, rows that contain “some words of wisdom” but not “some noise words”). Note that the " characters that enclose the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotation marks that enclose the search string itself.

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